What You Need to Know About Building Façade Restoration

Over time, building facades suffer natural wear and tear. When we consider their constant exposure to the elements, this should come as no surprise. Wind, sunlight, rain, ice, snow, chemicals, pollutants, dust, foundation settlement. Here is what you need to know about building façade restoration All of these things combine to speed up the natural aging process of masonry materials and lead to other problems, too. Water intrusion and leaks also become an issue that can lead to further damage not just to the exterior surface but to the interior as well. When a building facade shows signs of wear and tear or is no longer able to protect the interior from the elements, it’s time to consider a restoration. What Is Building Façade Restoration? Building façade restoration is the process of performing repairs on the façade of a building to not only restore its aesthetics but to address issues such as water intrusion, leaks, structural problems, and other issues that compromise both its appearance and its functionality. Quality façade restoration involves a methodical process of both analysis and repair. Extra care is taken with older buildings, especially historical buildings – but it can still be done! Who Needs Building Façade Restoration? Here are some problems with a façade that may cause you to consider a building façade restoration:
  • Cracks or flaking
  • Discoloration
  • Loose masonry
  • Signs of leaks
  • Mold or mildew
Why Should I Pay for Façade Restoration? black mold Building façade restoration accomplishes more than restoring the beauty of the exterior and addressing leaks and other damage. As a result of this process, you will find repair and maintenance costs reduced. Safety issues such as dreaded black mold can be adequately protected against. You can also prevent problems resulting from unaddressed leaks such as mildew, peeling paint and wallpaper, and unsightly discoloration on the inside walls. Restoration will help maintain the value of your property and enable the façade to last for many more years to come. Building façade restoration is an investment in the value, appearance, safety, and quality of your home. What Is Involved in Building Facade Restoration? Building façade restoration, when done properly, is a thorough analytical approach to find real solutions to existing problems with the façade and often involves more work behind the façade than it does on the exterior of the façade. Exterior Evaluation The first step is an inspection of the exterior of the façade for obvious signs of wear, deterioration, discoloration, and damage. Masonry, stone, grout, and brickwork, are all initially inspected, although a more detailed evaluation will follow after the exterior is carefully cleaned. Leak Detection leaking wall Next is the challenging task of leak detection, including determining the source of any interior leaks that may be present. However, not all leaks will manifest indoors. Instead, water intrusion may simply saturate building materials and result in mold and mildew later on. Leak detection will likely involve the use of staged water tests and flood tests. The exterior façade material will then be removed so that the “as built” conditions behind them can be evaluated. Some contractors will then perform a test repair and water test to see if the approach to resolving the problem will work. Flashing window Another aspect of moisture intrusion often involves replacing the flashing around windows. These are a notorious source of water intrusion issues. If the home or building involved is of significant age, there is a good chance that newer methods of flashing and sealing can easily resolve any leaks that are present. This process typically involves removing the masonry over the window lintel, then installing not just a new flashing system but weeps and vents. This does an excellent job of keeping those window areas watertight. Repair and Repointing discolored stone When it comes to the exterior masonry, things can be a bit more challenging – especially if the building or home is old enough to require some historical preservation techniques. However, an experienced contractor can keep the existing aesthetics in place while addressing any and all problems. The exterior façade will be carefully cleaned, not only to help in restoring its appearance but to reveal any additional problems that might be hidden beneath stains. Contractors will try to reuse as much of the old masonry and stone as possible. Modern techniques support excellent color and texture matching of new masonry to match the original masonry, providing excellent aesthetic results even when significant damage must be addressed. Repair or repointing, as well as repairs to the structure behind the façade, may prove necessary. Contrary to what many may believe, building façade restoration does not just mean making the exterior of the building look better. It addresses issues such as water intrusion, repointing, sealants, and much more. It is a complex process that should be performed by an experienced contractor, but the results are well worth the investment of both time and money. McNamara Construction At McNamara Construction, we enjoy the challenge of restoring your home and outbuildings to their historic appearance while using modern methods to address structural problems, leaks, and flashing issues. Our highly skilled masons can work wonders with your existing masonry or stonework, both with repairs and repointing. At McNamara, we take great pride in the quality and appearance of work and put as much care into what goes behind the façade as the exterior. Contact us today to see what our skilled, experienced crew can do for you!